Saturday, August 13, 2011

Skin in the game....

Today, I met an inanimate object that swallowed my heart. My love is now being kept alive by artificial means.

Her name: Stromer. She is Swiss, as she is beautiful, and electrifying.

OK, yes, she is an electric bike. My third. But she is IT. I know it this time. Not that I didn't love my other electric bikes. My Giant. My Torque. But the Stromer, she has it all.

First off, she is beautiful. I know you are not supposed to like a bike because of her looks, but this is an electric bike that does not look like one. She has a very heavy dose of the Cool Factor. Black and sleek and she hides her battery in a such a way that when you scream past people up mighty hills they have no idea that you are combining your human power with just a teeny touch of her electric oomph.

What I really have come to appreciate is that if you put some skin in the game, she puts in an equal amount. By that I mean, using the pedal assisted option, (it also has a throttle option), if you are putting in a pretty good dose of pedal power to get up a hill, she tosses in an equal amount. So you essentially flatten every hill, and can get into work, as I do, traveling 12 miles over hill and dale to the city core and not arrive in a sweaty mess. You get some excercise, that is for sure, but its like walking to work instead of running.

I have had her in my arms for 30 days now, and I am whipped. She rides like the wind (top speed around 20 mph), can go forever (ok, maybe about 40 miles on a charge, but that is all I need on 98% of my commuting days), and she makes me feel young again. For this, I am willing to spend the money it takes to bring her home. Yes, its substantial. about $2900 bucks. But, I figure, she will pay for herself in avoided car costs in 18 months. Then, she starts paying me. And if we are together for the next decade, I will have become a rich man, and we will have shared a lot of laughs together. And you can't put a price tag on that....